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Jeff the Terrier Needs a Home!
Scottish Terrier in Oklahoma Available for Adoption
● Jeff is intelligent and good-natured!
● Very protective and great watch dog!
● Jeff needs a break in life and a place to call a forever home!
● Jeff is available for adoption now!
● You can visit Jeff at his foster home!
● Scottish Terrier with beautiful coat of hair!
About Jefferson Hi, my name is Jefferson. I am an 18-month old Scottie who came to Tulsa by way of Arkansas. I've got a black coat and white-tipped ears, just so I can stand out from the crowd. I'm curious about everything and love exploring and sniffing and figuring things out. I'm a youngster with the spirit of a pup and the soul of a poet. I love to play every day. Won't you take me home today? If you would like to play with Jefferson, complete an application now. NOTE: This dog is being fostered in a private foster home. You must complete and submit an application and be approved to adopt prior to being able to meet the dog. For more information or to complete an online application click here.
= = = > See Jefferson on Petfinder here
= = = > Inquire about Jefferson at Oklahoma Westie Rescue here
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